Face to Face physiotherapy appointments are available and there are protocols to ensure everyone's health and safety.
Virtual physiotherapy appointments have proved very popular and successful for treating a wide range of conditions and are available on request.
Please contact us using the form on our contact page, online booking, or by telephone.
We have conducted a thorough risk assessment to maximise the safety of patients and staff to enable face to face appointments here at The Therapy Centre.
- Patients should attend alone where possible. A carer or guardian may be allowed to accompany the patient in appropriate circumstances, so long as they are clear of signs of respiratory infection or Covid-19 symptoms.
- Please arrive as close to your appointment time as you can.
- Patient's can sanitise their hands and wear a face covering if they wish.
- All patients will be collected from the reception area by their physiotherapist.
- Contactless payment will be taken and a text reminder will be sent for follow up appointments.
We have strict cleaning protocols in place to minimise the risk.